
Gone With the Wind: The 3 Month Marvel

Wow. So not only has it been 2 months since I last blogged (so much for my weekly blog challenge!), but it also took me WAY too long to read Gone With the Wind.  It was fairly simple reading, but I'm pretty sure my self-diagnosed ADD kicked in. BUT, three months later, I finally finished it! I'm not so sure I will complete all 100 novels this year, especially if I continue reading at a snail's pace....that being said, I LOVED the book!

This is such a great story about courage, surviving, and unrequitted love. While reading this novel, I couldn't help but feel that Scarlett was a feminist ahead of her time.  She never gave up and always fought for everything that she believed in. I'm sure much of it was attributed to the situations that she was put in, but nonetheless, she fought. And she won.

Two things I disliked about the book:
1/ It could have been a little shorter. I felt like there was a lot of filler
2/ Rhett said "My dear, I don't give a damn". I was waiting for "Frankly" but apparently that's only in the movie :/


  1. To be honest..I have never read GONE WITH THE WIND..I have only seen part of the movie, but now that I know the book doesn't rea, "Frankly", I don't think I want to read it. :)

  2. haha! I was so disappointed that he didn't say it! That's one of the most famous movie quotes of all time so I was pretty excited to read it. I'm lame, I know.
