
Week 6 Blog Challenge: a picture of something that makes me happy

(From left to right: Theresa, me, Kiley, Samantha)
Every time I see this picture, a flood of memories consumes me. And I feel as though I am 5 years old again.  For those who don't know the four of us, we all basically grew up as sisters. Our parents were friends before we were even born. I moved away after kindergarten, but somehow every time we see each other, its as though we never separated. I know that no matter what happens, or who moves where, the four of us will always have a sisterly bond that will keep us connected for the rest of our lives. Love you girls :)


  1. Floods of good memories consume me as well, Danielle.

  2. Love you, Pretty!!!!! Just glad I outgrew a few "habits" hahaha
