
Our garden! :)

I promised my pretty cousin that I would post a blog about my garden as soon as we planted it...I may or may not be a little late on that...sorry Jess! We planted our garden about a month or so ago, and I forgot to take pictures. We planted six tomato plants, three jalapenos, two squash, two bell peppers (one red, one green), a million onions (but zero are doing well), and some okra, which we planted from seeds so they're taking even longer to grow. I also have an herb garden....and forgot to take beginning pictures. Whoopsy :) BUT i finally got around to taking a few pictures. Lo and behold...my herb garden is already dying...I don't understand! They say they need 6-8 hours of sunlight, but I guess that 6-8 hours of sunlight in TEXAS is a bit different than other places. sigh. I even made super cute little herb markers. I had fun doing it; too bad the plants are dying. If anyone has any suggestions on how to bring them back to life, let me know! :) Here are a few pictures...

 I just HAD to get this one of Toby peeing in the middle of the garden!

 One of several tomato plants
 One of three jalapeno plants

 Red bell pepper

 Our first attempt at squash...

 Metal stamps I used for the markers

 My tools :)

 The markers!

 AND....a few of my pathetic herbs...haha :(


  1. My guess to your dying plants would be your super cute dog peeing on them!!! haha All of my plants are getting brown lately, too. I think the sun is hotter than usual or something. I have been having to move them up under my porch!! Even my ferns are fried!

  2. Have you tried talking to the plants? Perhaps Michael should try peeing on them instead of Toby.

  3. ahh, your stamped herb markers are SO wonderful! (too bad the actual herbs didn't make it, hehe.) i'm so jealous of your yard space.

    p.s. a certain boy and i signed a lease together last week . . . ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. thanks jess! i am so excited for you!!
